Locust Rule.

Divorce can feel like being caught in a storm of emotions, responsibilities, and sudden changes. It’s a period marked by uncertainty and an often overwhelming sense of burden. Yet, in this turmoil, there exists a straightforward yet profoundly effective strategy for finding your footing again: the Locust Rule. This blog post will delve into how embracing this rule can turn the tide of overwhelm into a path of healing and personal growth.

The Essence of the Locust Rule Inspired by the methodical, incremental progress of locusts in nature, the Locust Rule encourages moving forward through small, deliberate actions. When faced with the aftermath of a divorce, this means tackling your challenges one small step at a time rather than all at once. This method effectively shrinks the mountain of stress and tasks into manageable hills, simplifying the process of dealing with them.

Step One: Map Out Your Small Steps

Begin by pinpointing the aspects of your life that the divorce has most impacted—be it your emotional state, finances, daily routines, or social interactions. Then, outline 'locust steps,' or minor adjustments and actions you can take in each area. This could look like planning regular meet-ups with friends to strengthen your social network or drafting a simple budget to regain financial control.

Step 2: Set Your Priorities

Armed with your list of steps, decide which ones to tackle first, considering both their urgency and your current emotional readiness. It’s okay to take things slow, focusing on the most doable tasks at the moment, such as dedicating time each day to self-care practices that support your emotional health.

Step 3: Take Action and Reflect

As you start to act on your chosen steps, take time to reflect after each one. Consider how it affected your overall feeling of being overwhelmed. Was it helpful? Did it offer new insights or solutions? This reflection not only builds a sense of achievement but also motivates you to keep moving forward, one step at a time.

Step 4: Be Open to Change

The path to recovery after a divorce isn’t straight; it will twist and turn, requiring you to adjust your steps as you go. Stay flexible, ready to update your plan as you discover more about what you need and what works best for you. This adaptability is crucial for navigating through the healing process effectively. Celebrating the Small Victories The true value of the Locust Rule is in its simplicity and the profound mindset shift it can initiate. By breaking down overwhelming challenges into smaller, more manageable tasks, it gives you a sense of control during a time that can often feel chaotic. This approach is not about quick fixes but rather about acknowledging that recovery and rebuilding after a divorce is a journey—one that values progress over perfection and celebrates each small victory. Journeying Forward with Grace Embracing the Locust Rule after a divorce means accepting the journey ahead, complete with its challenges and triumphs. It’s about recognizing that while the road may appear daunting, every small step you take is a stride toward renewal. Healing is a deeply personal process that unfolds in its own time, so allow yourself patience and kindness as you traverse this path.


To conclude, the Locust Rule presents a compassionate and practical way to manage post-divorce overwhelmingness. By focusing on small, achievable actions, you can gradually piece your life back together, step by step. This strategy not only alleviates the burden of feeling overwhelmed, but also empowers you to advance towards a future filled with hope and resilience.